This document aims to establish the General Terms of Use for the mobile applications owned by DevApps Inc.. DevApps Inc. reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use to comply with the current applicable legislation at any given time. These Terms of Use do not exclude the possibility that certain services of the applications, due to their particular characteristics, may be subject, in addition to the General Terms of Use, to their own specific terms of use (hereinafter referred to as the Specific Conditions). DevApps Inc. may, at any time and without prior notice, make changes and updates to these Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy. These changes will be published on the website and in the application(s) and will be effective from the moment of publication. As a result, the User should periodically review if there are any changes to these Conditions, and whether express consent exists or not, continuing to use the Service after publication implies acceptance and assumption of the changes. If you do not agree with the updates to the Terms of Use or the Privacy Policy, you may opt out by discontinuing the use of the Service.

Accessing and downloading the application is free, except for the cost of the connection through the telecommunications network provided by the access provider contracted by users. Certain services are exclusive to our customers, and access is restricted. The download and use of the application confer the status of user (hereinafter, the 'User') and imply the reading, understanding, and acceptance of all the terms and conditions set forth herein.


The User acknowledges and agrees that the use of the content and/or services offered by this mobile application will be at their sole risk and/or responsibility. The User undertakes to use this mobile application and all its content and services in accordance with the law, morality, public order, these Terms of Use, and any Specific Conditions that may apply. Likewise, the User undertakes to make proper use of the services and/or content of the mobile application and not to use them for illegal activities or activities that constitute a crime, that violate the rights of third parties and/or infringe on intellectual and industrial property regulations, or any other applicable legal norms. In particular, the User agrees not to transmit, introduce, spread, and make available to third parties any type of material and information (data, messages, drawings, sound and image files, photographs, software, etc.) that is contrary to the law, morality, public order, and these Terms of Use, and, where applicable, to the Specific Conditions that may apply. Illustratively, and in no case limitative or exclusive, the User agrees to:

• Not to introduce or spread content or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic, or terrorist nature, or that violates human rights.
• Not to introduce or spread data programs (viruses and harmful software) capable of causing damage to the computer systems of the access provider, its suppliers, or third-party Internet users.
• Not to spread, transmit, or make available to third parties any information, element, or content that violates fundamental rights and public freedoms constitutionally recognized and in international treaties.
• Not to spread, transmit, or make available to third parties any information, element, or content that constitutes unlawful or unfair advertising.
• Not to transmit unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, advertising material, "spam," "chain letters," "pyramid schemes," or any other form of solicitation, except in areas (such as commercial spaces) expressly designed for it.
• Not to introduce or spread any false, ambiguous, or inaccurate information and content that misleads the recipients of the information.
• Not to impersonate other users using their registration keys for the different services and/or content of the Portals.
• Not to spread, transmit, or make available to third parties any information, element, or content that constitutes a violation of the intellectual and industrial property rights, patents, trademarks, or copyright corresponding to the owners of the Portals or third parties.
• Not to spread, transmit, or make available to third parties any information, element, or content that constitutes a violation of communication secrecy and personal data legislation.


DevApps Inc. reserves all rights to trademarks, trade names, or other distinctive signs, patents, and intellectual property regarding the content and design of the application. All content, including but not limited to texts, graphics, images, design, and intellectual property rights that may correspond to such content, as well as trademarks, trade names, or any other distinctive signs, are the property of DevApps Inc., with all rights reserved. The trademarks, trade names, or distinctive signs are owned by DevApps Inc., and the download, access, and use of the application do not grant any rights to these trademarks, trade names, and/or distinctive signs.


DevApps Inc. does not guarantee the availability of access and continuity of the operation of this mobile application and its services at all times. Therefore, DevApps Inc. will not be responsible, within the limits established by the current legal system, for damages and losses caused to the User due to unavailability, access failures, and lack of continuity of this mobile application and its services. DevApps Inc. will only be responsible for the services provided by itself and for the contents directly originated by the company and identified with its copyright. This responsibility will be excluded in cases of force majeure or in cases where the User's device configuration is not suitable to allow the correct use of the Internet services provided by DevApps Inc.. The download, access, and use of the application on mobile devices or similar do not imply an obligation on the part of DevApps Inc. to check for the absence of viruses, worms, or any other harmful computer elements. It is the User's responsibility, in any case, to have adequate tools for the detection and disinfection of harmful computer programs.


DevApps Inc. does not guarantee that the Users of this mobile application will use its content and/or services in accordance with the law, morality, public order, or the General Conditions and, where applicable, the Specific Conditions that may apply. Likewise, it does not guarantee the truth and accuracy, completeness, and/or authenticity of the data provided by the Users. DevApps Inc. will not be indirectly or subsidiarily responsible for damages of any kind arising from the use of the Services and Contents of the application by Users or that may result from the lack of truth, accuracy, and/or authenticity of the data or information provided by Users or the impersonation of a third party carried out by a User in any type of action through this mobile application. Therefore, the use of this application does not imply an obligation on the part of DevApps Inc. to verify the truth, accuracy, suitability, completeness, and timeliness of the information provided through it. DevApps Inc. is not responsible for decisions made based on information obtained through the application or for damages caused to the User or third parties due to actions that are solely based on information obtained in the application.


DevApps Inc. wants to inform users and customers of the application(s) about the policy carried out regarding the treatment of all personal data provided to the company through the use of the functions of the application(s). All data requested from users and customers through the mobile application will be necessary to provide the service object of the service for which the application(s) has been downloaded and installed on the corresponding devices.


The use of the application will result in the processing of personal data by DevApps Inc., which will be carried out in accordance with the internal rules and procedures established for this purpose, known and authorized by customers and users. DevApps Inc. may subcontract with other companies or professionals the material execution of all or some of the service provisions without such communication constituting a data transfer, ensuring that the data provided will not be applied or used for a purpose other than that established.


In the processing of personal data, DevApps Inc. undertakes to guarantee and protect the public freedoms and fundamental rights of individuals from the files and, especially, their honor and personal and family privacy. In this sense, DevApps Inc. undertakes to carry out the corresponding data processing in accordance with the current regulations at all times and to maintain the utmost secrecy regarding the information provided by customers and users. Personal data subject to processing will not be used for purposes other than those set out here or, where applicable, by another document or contract that binds both parties with particular conditions.


Users and customers must ensure compliance with all necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of personal data, preventing its alteration, loss, processing, or unauthorized access. The data communicated through the application must be accurate and up-to-date, and it is the sole responsibility of users and customers to update this data.


DevApps Inc. informs that users may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition by notifying through any of our contact channels.


DevApps Inc. informs users and customers that it has adopted the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security of personal data and prevent its alteration, loss, processing, or unauthorized access, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the stored data, and the risks to which they are exposed. Likewise, DevApps Inc. guarantees the user compliance with the duty of professional secrecy regarding the personal data of users and the obligation to keep them confidential.


DevApps Inc. uses third-party ads to support its application. These advertisers may use cookies when their ads are displayed in the application. The use of cookies means that some information about you is returned to the advertiser, which may include your IP address, ISP, and the browser you use to access our website. This information is generally used to geotarget or otherwise tailor ads more to you. Google, as a third-party ad provider, uses cookies to serve ads in the application. Google uses the DoubleClick cookie in ads displayed on its partner websites, such as websites that display AdSense ads or participate in Google-certified ad networks. When users visit a partner's website and view or click on an ad, a cookie may be left on the end user's device. Data collected from these cookies will be used to help AdSense publishers better serve and manage ads on their sites and the web. Users can opt-out of using the DART cookie by visiting Google's content and ad network privacy policy. Google AdMob is one of the advertising networks that DevApps Inc. uses in its mobile applications and is governed by the same policy mentioned for Google AdSense. Google Analytics is a web analytics tool that helps website owners understand how visitors interact with their website. Google Analytics customers can see a variety of reports about how visitors interact with their website so they can improve it. Google Analytics collects information anonymously to report website trends without identifying individual visitors.


DevApps Inc. reserves the right to modify its Privacy Policy according to its own criteria or motivated by legislative or jurisprudential changes.


DevApps Inc. reserves the right to make the modifications it deems appropriate, being able to modify, delete, and include new content and/or services, as well as the way they are presented and located.


In general, to use the services of this mobile application, minors must have obtained prior authorization from their parents, guardians, or legal representatives, who will be responsible for all acts carried out through this mobile application by the minors under their care. In those services expressly indicated, access will be restricted exclusively to individuals over 18 years of age.


The provision of services and/or content of this mobile application has an indefinite duration. Notwithstanding the above, DevApps Inc. is empowered to terminate, suspend, or unilaterally interrupt, at any time and without prior notice, the provision of the service and this mobile application and/or any of the services, without prejudice to what has been established in the corresponding specific conditions.


DevApps Inc. copyright ©2024. All rights reserved. Copyright for the content and design strictly belongs to DevApps Inc.. The materials contained within may not be modified or redistributed, in whole or in part, without the written permission of DevApps Inc..